We inspire organizations and provide integral insight to make choices and speed. You can easily measure and improve the Six success factors for digital transformation© with the BusinessITScan®. This helps you to connect colleagues and achieve goals. Our colleagues and partners are more than happy to assist you!
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The BusinessITScan® is the solution to determine the current situation, engage colleagues and accelerate digital transformation. With this unique online tool you quickly get a complete insight in IT satisfaction, the Six success factors for digital transformation©, areas for improvement, opportunities and proposals of your colleagues.
Save time and money on consulting projects and start improving directly!
Would you like to know more about the Six success factors? Read the whitepaper!
Asics: "The BusinessITScan® has strengthened our vision, strategy and approach"
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Directors and managers
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IT leaders and teams
Balance "run & change"
Consultants and IT providers
Help your clients transform
Value creation with digital & IT
Focus on real priorities
Better mutual understanding
Successful transformations
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"The BusinessITScan® offers a broad and clear insight in priorities, opportunities and risks. This is why we want to position this tool in our network. This enables our community members to identify strengths and weaknesses in their organization, without time consuming and expensive consulting.
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