BusinessITScan for consultants and service providers



Transforming your customers digitally





As a consultant, IT service provider or accountant, you have a lot of knowledge to guide your clients through digital transformation. You know that transformation often affects their entire organization. Support is necessary to select and implement the most relevant initiatives. This is how you take your client step by step into the future.



Want to transform your customers digitally too? 




Partners about the BusinessITScan®

BusinessITScan - Qlaver4

BusinessITScan - Qlaver4

"Transforming your organization (digitally) to the next level requires attention to people, processes and systems. It is key to determine the right priorities. BusinessITScan® enables you to do this: in a short timeframe you collect the key information with the key stakeholders in your organization. With the generated dashboard I connect the various stakeholders and by doing so, I assist organizations and teams in their development"

Kitty Leemreize
Director of Qlaver4 

BusinessITScan - PCI

BusinessITScan - PCI

"Market demand is changing. Our customers want to be able to change their organization faster and easier, which allows them to serve their customers faster. With the BusinessITScan® of IT's Teamwork, thanks to the engine we offer our clients a very complete integrated report on business and IT in a very short time. The scan is therefore a valuable addition for a well-founded and data-driven advice, so that we relieve our clients and IT grows better with their organization."

Sander van der Velden

BusinessITScan - Kunnemanagement

"The BusinessITScan® is so valuable for digital transformation because it shortens the intake analysis and increases the quality and scope of reporting. It adds value for both the client and the consultant!"

Paul Kunneman
Consulting partner of Kunnemanagement