BusinessITScan for directors and managers



Transform your organization digitally 





As a director and executive, you want your organization to stay relevant. You develop the strategy, business models, people, processes and systems to serve your customers more optimally. Thorough integral insight in improvement opportunities for operations and IT are indispensable in this process. This allows you to save where it is possible, and to invest where it is useful.



Also transforming your organization digitally?




They too, are more successful because of the BusinessITScan®

BusinessITScan - Keolis

"It is incredibly valuable that we maintain long-term relationships with our customers, suppliers and employees. At the same time, it is understandable that this makes our business processes quite customer- and colleague-specific. We are going to harmonise this, but we don’t want to rush it. We want to enjoy this strategic process and IT renewal for many years to come." For this strategic renewal, IT's Teamwork was called in and the platform was used. Computable wrote the article on the 10 project steps Jongeneel took.

Ruud Jongeneel
Read more in the case study

BusinessITScan -

"Our organisation is growing fast because of our people and our technology. This is how we maximise the benefits for our clients with global logistics services. We asked Inter Essence to reflect on our projects and our IT-services. With the BusinessITScan® and the discussions we created focus and defined clear priorities. Very useful!"

Arjan Oudejans
Chief Commercial Officer
Read more in the case study

BusinessITScan - Terberg Business Mobility

BusinessITScan - Asics

"It was my objective to collect (critical) feedback of our internal customers of IT. The tool generated a dashboard and detailed report with recommendations, based on their inputs. It was very powerful to collect so many insights in such a short time frame!"

Jaco Reitsma

BusinessITScan - Computable

BusinessITScan - Computable

"The BusinessITScan® gave us clear strategic directions and practical feedback from our colleagues. As a result, we have implemented various improvements in the meanwhile."

Aart Vollenhoven
Read more in the case study