Guido continues, "Our colleagues cooperated wonderfully! In total they entered more than 150 improvement proposals. Together with the more than 200 pieces of advice generated by the smart BusinessITScan engine, this was in the dashboard and advice report at the press of a button. So we had very quick insight into IT satisfaction, the status of the Six success factors for digital transformation©, and the 26 underlying themes.
As you can imagine, it took some time to sink in how to maximize the use of all the information. The results were discussed with key business stakeholders and the entire IT department. It was nice to see that this led to recognition, surprise and new insight. In a number of 'brown bag sessions' three improvement paths were formulated that summarize the results of the scan:
1. Relationship between Business and IT: implementing regular meetings between Business Owners and IT. In these meetings we prioritze the improvement proposals regarding business operations and processes;
2. ICT Processing and quality: implement IT Service Management for more order in the IT work. Less ad-hoc, more planned, measurable performance and results;
3. Communication and visibility: regular communication about IT advice, IT developments, IT policies and IT guidelines.
The improvements are supported by the employees themselves, which only makes the implementation easier. Meanwhile, the plans have also been shared with the organization via intranet and in various MTs. There too, they are being received positively."